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Who organizes this conference?

The Conferences of Predoctoral Studies in Art and Musicology are an activity promoted
by the PhD programme in Art History and Musicology of the Autonomous University of
Barcelona. This edition is coordinated by Paula Buades (branch of Art History) and
José Miguel Pérez (branch of Music).
Nevertheless, the conference is open to the participation of predoctoral students from
other programs and universities, both national and international, with the aim of sharing
projects and knowledge and creating networks.

Who is it addressed to?

Predoctoral students preferably involved in studies of Art History or Musicology, but also
in different specializations within Humanities, such as Literature, Performing Arts,
History, Archaeology, Anthropology and other disciplines in connection with the topic
that this call for papers addresses.

Main topics

The central concepts that structure the topic of the conference are the following ones, accompanied by suggestions of possible topics:


Against a history based on personal names: the rupture of the canon

  • Recovery of little known or stigmatized figures.

  • Aesthetic and ideological discourses as structurers of art histories.

  • Reflections and critiques on historiography.


The role of women: gender issues

  • The pre-Raphaelite iconographic language and the images of the immaculate.

  • The feminine patronage.

  • Masculinities and femininities within the discourse of history and art.


Sequels of colonialism

  • The historiography and the codification of the non-European.

  • Cultural appropriation.

  • The construction of postcolonial identities.

  • Music and migrations.


Historical recreations and revisionism

  • History films: historical rigor or a European look?

  • The treatment of characters in television series and movies.

  • Current criteria for the interpretation of ancient music.


The (forced) entry of modernity into the academia

  • Queer artists.

  • Urban music.

  • Digital art, electronic music, post dramatic performing arts.

  • The irruption of artificial intelligence.

How to send your abstract


The abstracts will be sent as a summary of between 250 and 350 words. If accepted, the speaker will have to develop his/her oral communication in a maximum of 20 minutes, plus 10 more minutes for questions and debate about his/her speech.


The communications will take place on December 14th and 15th, 2023 at the faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Speakers can either participate in person or online. 


The abstract must include:

- A title 
- The name, contact data and institutional affiliation of the speaker - To what topic from the suggested it belongs to 
- The body of the summary between 250 and 350 words 
- From 3 to 5 key words that define the proposed topic 
- A brief curriculum of the speaker (max. 200 words) 


The speakers will subsequently have the possibility of sending the content of their presentation written in the format of an article for its publication in the compilation book of the conference. It will have a digital format and will be published in the digital database of the Autonomous University of Barcelona on open access. 


The abstracts must be sent to the email address before the closing of abstract’s reception on July 31st, 2023. The decision of the committee on the acceptance of proposals will be communicated to the interested applicants as late as October 2nd, 2023. The result may be: accepted; provisionally accepted (including corrections to be made); not accepted. 


For the people that request it before the celebration of the conference, assistance certificates will be delivered. All the speakers will receive a certificate of participation. 

Call for papers Cat

Call for papers Cast

Call for papers Eng

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